Zleep Hotels gets a new info channel for all their hotels
Zleep hotels have chosen to use ours info channel solution at all their hotels. The info channel allows the hotels to inform the guest about special offers, information about the local area or a brand video about the hotels. They have the ability to show just the content they want directly on the TV, and they can update it live directly from the cloud. This means that hotels can constantly update their info channel and make sure that all content is new and informative for their guests.
The info channel is cloud-based and this means that you can access the setup from any device (smartphone, tablet or computer) no matter where you are, as long as there is internet and change what is displayed.
“Zleep hotels is a chain that has grown in Denmark and currently has 12 hotels and more on the way in the making. We are incredibly happy to be a supplier to Zleep hotels and to be able to give Zleep Hotel's guests a good experience when they stay at the hotels. The info channels is just one of many products and services we deliver to Zleep hotels, and we look forward to delivering many more to their hotels in the future, ”says Partner & CMO Jesper Brouer.
Want to know more about info channels and how they work then contact our sales department. already today and get started quickly. You can also read more at linked here. We can be contacted on 70 10 11 20 or salg@rawit.dk